FGS Agri are pleased to announce that we have renewed our two existing contracts with Thames Water which will be effective from 1st November 2016. The first contract renewed is for the “Biosolid Spreading” across the Southern Region of the Thames Water operating territory and the second is for the recycling of “non-compliant biosolids”. Non-compliant biosolids are those that either don’t qualify to be used on farmland either because they’re too high in metal content or too wet or contain a too high pathogen count. FGS Agri has historically held both of these contracts for the last six years. The new contracts are for a fixed term of five years. FGS Agri is currently acquiring new machinery to service the contract totalling some £2m expenditure and will provide for continuing employment for over twelve staff engaged on providing these services.
From the early beginnings, over 20 years ago, FGS Agri has worked with the utility industry to provide recycling solutions for compliant and non-compliant bio-solids and clean water sludges. This renewed contract is an example of how we continue to provide our clients with complete recycling solutions for all of their outputs in a compliant, efficient and cost effective way using our in house equipment and fully trained and experienced staff.