A robot wolf designed to protect farms has proved hugely successful in Japan. So much so that it is going into mass production next month.
The aptly named “Super Monster Wolf” was designed to keep wild boar away from chestnut and rice crops in Japan. The 65cm-long and 50cm-tall robotic wolf was deployed in trials last summer.
The robot animal is covered in realistic-looking fake fur with huge white fangs and flashing red eyes. It is solar-powered and makes a range of howling noises when animals approach it. Designers claim that the range of noises mean animals do not get used to it.
The Japan Agricultural Cooperative claim that the super-monster wolf has an effective range of one kilometre, making it more effective than an electric fence and easier to install and manage. Currently the device is priced at around £3,500 per unit.
What animal threats does your farm face and would this be a good option?